The United States is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Its diverse terrain and awe-inspiring landmarks can take a lifetime to discover. For those on a quest to visit all 50 states, here are some destinations where you’ll get two (sometimes three or four) visits for the price of one.

Four Corners Monument

Who says you can’t be in two places at one time … or four for that matter? This unique monument is the only place in the U.S. where four states intersect: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. Place a limb in each corner, and you’ve crossed four states off your bucket list. Managed by the Navajo National Department of Park and Recreation, the monument makes a great photo opportunity but can be a challenging vacation spot. The surrounding area offers little in the way of tourist attractions, and there is no running water (hello, outhouse). Camping is the way to stay, as food, fuel and lodging are 30+ miles from the monument.

Hoover Dam

The 1,900-foot-long Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, connecting Arizona and Nevada, was built about 900 feet above the Colorado River. All 50-state-seekers can either cross state lines by car or access a pedestrian bridge inside the Hoover Dam security zone. Visitors who travel by foot, can straddle the fine line where these two southwestern states meet and take in panoramic views of Hoover Dam, the Colorado River and Lake Mead.


It’s all in the name. The community on the border of Texas and Arkansas has two of almost everything: two city mayors, two city governments, two police departments and two fire departments. A simple slogan is all these two states are willing to share (“Texarkana, U.S.A., where life is so large, it takes two states!”) If you’re on a cross-country road trip, this is a great two-for-one pitstop.

The Purple People Bridge

Built seven years after the Civil War, the Purple People Bridge is where the Blue (the North) and the Gray (the South) come together to create purple. Its complicated history bridges more than just Ohio and Kentucky; the bridge dissolves the boundary line that separated free states from slave-holding states prior to the Civil War. Pedestrians can stand in both Ohio and Kentucky at the same time while enjoying a view of the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky skylines. If you’re interested in learning more about the history of the region, take a quick walk to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, located along the river in Cincinnati.

Join the exclusive club

While there’s no way of knowing how many people around the country and world have been to all 50 states, the All Fifty Club was formed to recognize those travelers who really have seen it all. The club runs on the honor system and officials ask that a visit counts as “touching the ground and breathing the air” of that state. Membership is $10, and associate membership is available once you hit 35 states. The club also recognizes unique record holders. There’s a guy who ate a slice of pie in every state and a boy from Northern Ireland who visited all 50 states by the age of two.

So, what are you waiting for?